Hey lovelies, without a doubt there are some habits in 2021 I need to start, habits that will change my life. 2020 was a year of personal growth but I’ve gotten into some really negative habits, I need to look out for myself more, I could do with drinking more water, and eating more vegetables.
In 2020 I learnt so much about myself, who I am and what makes me successful. So today I’ll be sharing some great habits to start during the new year, or anytime, to help you with personal growth and much more.
Watch What You Watch
The best step to having a better mindset in my experience is watching what you watch, and this is a habit that will change your life. For me this happened in a variety of ways. I found myself stepping away from watching time consuming medias, facebook videos and such. Culling my Netflix, Disney Plus and Amazon Prime so that I only watched things which have a feel good factor.
I recently did this further to video media, I stopped following people on social media who’s mindset no longer aligns with mine. I muted people on my social feeds who constantly bitch about their life, and just followed more people who celebrate success. This is what I personally find more uplifting, it’s normal to rant but when it’s everyday it starts to affect my thinking pattern to?
Produce Focused To-Lists
Making a focused to-do list will really help you visualise what you want, and how to get it done. This stops unnecessary time wasting and in my experience is just a great habit to have in general. Here are a few ways I make to-do lists focused:
- Note why each to-do on your list is important
- Get rid of low value tasks
- Create a daily, or weekly list, whichever best suits your needs
- Break down large to-do items or tasks into smaller to-do items on your list
- Consider writing ‘what I’ll probably do list’ alongside your to-do list
Making a focused to do list really is one of those great habits to start, it’s helped me so much. Especially, as someone who currently runs 3 blogs!
Practice Self Care
Self care is something that we can probably all do better, as a great habit to adopt in 2021 I want to look after myself and my mental wellbeing more.
When practicing self care, I try to follow this list posted from the 2020 self care week. These personally worked so well for me:
- take vitamin D supplements, this is especially important for those shielding and unable to go outside due to isolation
- good nutrition and regular exercise to support general wellbeing if possible
- adopt positive lifestyle choices
- support your mental wellness by keeping connected, ensuring a sense of perspective, and taking further steps to maintain health
- understand how to manage minor and long term health conditions
But, honestly self care can be as simple as learning when to say no, putting on a face mask to pamper yourself, simply having some time away from social media, or treating yourself to a relaxing swedish massage in Peoria, AZ, or anywhere else at a trusted esthetician clinic. Emotional self care, is self care and so important too.
Respect Your Environment
Until the UK lockdown hit, I really didn’t notice now much I did not respect my environment. I used to work a really demanding job, where I’d be at work until 3,4,5,6am sometimes. I’d sleep in the day and I’d never particualrly keep the house in good shape because I was always far too tired to do so.
Respecting my environment nowadays looks like doing the dishes before I go to bed and not once I’ve woken up. It looks like tidying up after myself, and respecting working at home boundaries – for me that’s not sitting on the sofa why I work, getting dressed and making sure to relax once work is done.
So when you’re looking at great habits to start, respecting your environment really is one that you can start straight away.
Take Time Away From Social Media
One of the best habits to have in 2021, is to take time away from social media. This could be a social media detox, or limiting your social time daily. For me it’s turning my phone off when I’m not working, so that I can sit in a room with my partner and be present in the moment and enjoy what we are doing.
Social media can be a really toxic place, and having digital boundaries is just as important as regular boundaries. If you work a job that requires technology as part of your daily routine, you still need to set boundaries and know when to walk away. I’ve found so much bliss in removing myself from social channels occasionally and just living in the real world.
Hold Yourself Accountable
Not only is it important to have boundaries, but you also need to hold yourself accountable for things. Take 100% responsibility for your actions and happiness in 2021. Notice what is and isn’t working for you and work with it. If you’re struggling to keep up with tasks, make sure to set more realistic targets and so on.
Don’t Allow Your Expectations And Assumptions To Run Your Life
In 2020, one of the worst habits I had was expecting, and assuming things. Plan and manage what you can control, let go of what you think things ‘should be like’ and try your best to manage the things that you can, like your happiness and how you react to situations.
In an ever changing world one great habit to start is being flexible to situations and giving yourself the room to take them in and relax.
Structure Your Day
In my experience, those who have achieved big things are the ones that have structure and plans for their day. Having a structure and a to-do list is one of the only ways I’m able to manage more than one blog. It allows me to see what needs to be done and when, it gives me the time and space to step back and take breaks so that I don’t get burnt out. It’s one of the best habits to have and I really couldn’t recommend it more.
I’d love to know what great habits you plan on starting in 2020! Routine, and being more confident in myself are my two big habits I want to have. If you haven’t seen already this week, I’ve launched freebies via my Gumroad store.
And If you enjoyed this please do check out Understanding And Coping With Grief At Christmas and 8 Beautiful WordPress Themes You Need To Check Out and sign up to mailing list below!
These are all brilliant ideas! I especially like the focused to do list habit because well, I love a good list!
Loved it. Such a good reminder of what we need to focus on. Leaving social media might be harder in practice. Social media is a platform for marketing to many things including my website. However, there are always ways around it. Great post. Thank you!
This is a really great list! The focus to-do list is so good! Thank you for sharing these!
These are great ideas! thank you for sharing them, i hope you have a great day!
Positive habits are something I’m always trying to include in my lifestyle. I have a love-hate relationship with my to-do list so I’ll definitely try to improve that.
Antonia || Sweet Passions
Totally agree with the part about not allowing expectations and assumptions to run one’s life. Couldn’t have said it better. Thank you for sharing these!!
This is brilliant advice Kayleigh. Today marks the start of me working from home a little more and I need to create some healthy habits now that will make this time much easier for me x
I love this post!! I completely agree about a social media detox, I always find myself mindlessly scrolling and I really want to stop my amount of screen time. Also, love the point about structuring your day – I’ve started to write a to-do list at the beginning of each day to help me focus on what needs to get done xx
I’ll definitely be implementing a lot of similar things this year. I think 2020 taught me a lot in terms of to live much more “in the now”, I was always thinking about my next step or my future without managing to enjoy my current situation and as we literally couldn’t plan anything last year, I had to start channelling my energy and happiness into the present. I also overhauled my space, too. My previously black on black bedroom is now full of colours, prints and I got rid of SO much stuff as I just didn’t need it and it was causing me unnecessary stress.
Alice Xx
I totally agree with you. The second habit is something I’m building right now. Thank you for sharing these awesome habits. I will develop more habits from this list.
These are great – excellent way to start a great new year
These are great tips – I definitely think that taking time away from social media is important, especially with everything that is going on in the world at the moment. I’m grateful that I can’t use my phone/Internet at work!
I absolutely love this post and it will help for sure! I have been trying to plan more my day, but I always tend to overdo, so need to work on that. Mostly now, creating healthy habits while at home is a must! Thanks for the advices x
You have some great suggestions here. I know that a BIG one for me is to start making more time away from social media, protecting that family time. We plan quite a few camping trips each year as a ‘pack’ (my husband and I with our pups). I’d like to plan more in advance before those trips so that I can step away and enjoy my down time with them without worrying about keeping up with what’s going on online.
Self-care is one thing I learned years ago is vital. I never skip out on making sure I am getting all I need to be sure I can be successful and productive! Great list!
Loved this!! Very inspirational!
The self-care one is definitely a big improvement zone for me… I have always struggled with taking time for myself as I felt unworthy!
I picked up meditation recently which has made a massive impact!
Like you, I had a very demanding job for the last few years and when I was made redundant in 2020, I started to refocus my energies on the things that make me happy. I am finally in a place where I can do the things I love and spend time with the people I love in a more positive environment. Yes, I need to do a lot more work on myself, but it’s a start.
Also – social detoxing should be at the top of my list more than I care to admit…I shall try one day!
What a great post! I started making to do lists last year, but haven’t made one for a while. I definitely need to get back onto it, as they make me so productive because I know exactly what to do rather than winging it which means I end up forgetting something xx
Hannah | https://luxuryblush.co.uk/
This was such an amazing post with so many great habits that I definitely need to focus on! I have found myself watching Disney all the time recently I think it helps to lift your mood during this strange time. Thanks for this great post Kayleigh!
These are such realistic and useful habits to start! Unlike my fitness habits that generally last until 2nd Jan haha.. I really want to focus on productivity this year, and stop blaming working full time for my blog not doing as well as I’d like.. If I divide my time well I know I can achieve my goals! xx
I really would like to focus on staying away from social media more! Thanks for sharing !
Miki x
These are such fantastic tips! I for sure need to spend less time on social media. I was on Twitter way too much in 2020 and it didn’t do my MH any favours at all.
These are fab tips!
Structuring my day really helps me within my working from home environment, along with taking Sunday nights away from my phone and focusing on self care so I am ready for the new week.
Emma | http://www.lifeofemmax.co.uk
This is such a fab list, I definitely need to focus on self care too, it’s such an easy thing to forget!!
Yes to all of this! Creating structure is so important especially during these odd times but, also leaving lots of room to watch and do the things we love too.
Great post, Kayleigh! I love how real you are with your bad habits and know that you want to see positive changes. It’s so easy to develop bad habits right? It amazes me that it takes almost a month to form a good habit but literally a day or two to form a bad one. I love your point about respecting your environment! I have to admit, I’m quite a messy person and I feel like my brain is so high function I’m quick to start something then leave it and go to a new thing with the mess trailing behind me! I’m trying to clean as I go more to have a better house environment and mindset 🙂 xo
This is a fab post! To-do lists are my favourite things I cannot function without them. I have also recently started getting into self-care lately this is something I wish to take into the new year. I never realised the importance of it until recently!
Amber | The Unpredicted Page
Love this. So many great habits! I’ve started making focused to-do lists daily and weekly and it’s really improved my productivity x
I love all of these points and I really relate to the dilemma of keeping your living area nice while working a demanding job with late hours! If I were to recommend one of these points to anyone it would be to take vitamin D supplements – they absolutely changed my life.
Great habits to develop!
I live off to do lists and I always break them down into different categories too! I have ones for my personal, business and blogging. Then I break them down to weekly/daily/yearly to do lists 😂 also I agree with taking time away from social media! That is so important! Have a great 2021 xxx
I think one of the best things I’ve done this year, is follow more people who have the same mindset as me. Success and they’re confidence boosts mine up. My instagram used to be very toxic, filled with posts I didn’t want to see. So I’m glad that I changed it. I still need to work on structuring my today, but hopefully I’ll get better this year. Thanks for the great post!
Loved reading this, some really useful ideas. I definitely agree that taking time away from social media can be helpful. And I love Disney films!
I love these healthy habits! This year I’m letting go more and looking on the positive side. I also am focusing on myself more. Life is too short to get worked up over little things or to not appreciate others. I love the one about respecting your environment. I get really cranky if my room isn’t clean!
Em | http://www.loveemblog.com x
I’m loving these habits, specifically to-do lists are what helps me most! I’ve been taking care of myself much more reccently just incase I get covid so that my immune system is better x
Caroline | https://envirolineblog.com/
Great post. As of January 1st, I vowed to myself that I would take a social media/phone break at the weekends. I wouldn’t be so obsessive about posting, being on instagram, adding updates to keep people in the know. I did it this weekend and it felt really nice to not be chained to my phone!
Let’s see if I can continue!
Great reminders Kayleigh! I have a few people in my life that I think are somewhat toxic. I might have to limit their influence in my life because it’s starting to get too much and that’s only through social media :/ Despite the lockdown we are still allowed to go on walks and I try am working towards 10k steps a day. Usually I fail but I am happy with every moment spent outdoors.
Fab post, thanks for sharing! Taking time away from social media is definitely something that I should focus on more, as I think with blogging, it’s very easy to be constantly doing something blog-related, whether that’s writing content or promoting it across social media, and we can easily forget about the outside world around us. I’m also structuring my days much better in 2021, and started using scheduling tools to make it all a little easier.
Sophie | https://www.loveandliterature.co.uk
Awesome ideas! I really like the one about watching what you watch! This is so true. I’m really trying to not waste time on things that don’t bring any value whatsoever or make me feel bad.
I love these habits to start for yourself in 2021, I need to limit my amount of time on social media a lot more and I need to have more structure in my days, especially during lockdown now x
Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk
These are some wonderful habits to get more used to in 2021! I defiantly need to practice self care more
These are some really positive habits to start implementing in 2021. With my diagnosis and now a second diagnosis I wasn’t expecting, looking after myself and my body is key. Self care is something I need to take much more seriously than before and know my limits. Having structure has definitely helped especially during lockdown as it is hard not to stay in your pjs all day under your duvet. With it being Veganuary I have definitely made more of an effect to look at my carbon footprint and my affect on the plant, so I am in the process of switching all skincare and make up to cruelty free and vegan. Social media is definitely something in need to schedule time away from regularly each week and is one of my goals for this year to have a regular day off. Thank you for sharing the other suggestions Kayleigh.
Lauren http://www.bournemouthgirl.com
gosh I reeeeally need to adopt these changes in my life – especially the self-care as mine has been SO BAD these past few months as I’ve been getting more lazy. I also completely got rid of my to-do list and am now creating more concise ones! Thank you so much for your advice xx
There are some really good points here. I definitely need to start adding some structure to my day especially with working from home. I’m also trying to exercise regularly and eat better. Great post!
to do lists and vitamin D are a must haha!
I need to start taking time away from social media. I just mindlessly scroll through Instagram and I’ve found it’s really affecting my mental health. Since the first lockdown I have made myself go out of a walk everyday, even if it’s just around the block. It’s amazing what some fresh air does and it’s a great way of getting the baby to sleep x
Great goals to keep in mind! I’m trying to be better about the social media bit, I’ve been off Facebook for two weeks now.
These are all great tips, but I especially like your suggestion to watch what you watch. I live in the US and if you watch/read too much here right now, you’d think everyone in both political parties hate each other, that racism is worse than it’s every been, and that there are violent riots in the streets every single day. It’s just not true. Most of us are good people who treat each other with respect and we are safe. So important to watch what you watch because it can affect your entire mindset.
I really like how you included the ‘Respecting Environment’ bit. I have a tendency to put those things last on my daily to-do list, but I need to make an effort to do this more often. It helps me be more productive and I love being in a clean home! x
Whoa! These are some seriously amazing suggestions for ways to make 2021 (and beyond) even better. I appreciate how in-depth this post is and all of the tips you gave. You’re inspiring me to make some changes, that’s for sure!
Wow these are definitely habits which I want to implement in 2021. Making sure I watch and surround myself in things that make feel good is so important, also being an active member by participating in discussions of topics that I’m passionate about, whether this is politics or beauty. Also making sure I keep up with my vitamin D intake 😭!! Structure is usually difficult for me, but I’ll be trying your suggesting of breaking down big tasks into smaller ones.
Some really fab suggestions here! It’s so important to take time away from social media, hold yourself accountable and have a routine. I’ve started to get back into a routine recently and it has helped a lot xx
What fantastic information there is on this post girlfriend!! I never thought to use “watch what you watch” mindset but it totally makes sense!
I also am 10000% on board with making detailed lists and going through with them.
I Love this entire blog post!
X Ashley
Watch what you watch… that’s a good one! I haven’t heard that one before… it’s usually more along the lines of screen time in general. My husband and I are a sucker for trash reality TV. lol We could probably cut back on that a bit. This year, I’m gathering some partners to hold myself accountable in blogging, finance, and fitness. I think that’s a great idea and a great way to stay motivated. Great post!
These are grea habits easy to start, but really life-changing, especially concerning expectations and assumptions. I totally agree with you and think it is necessary to set realistic goals than live up to expectations. Thanks for sharing!
I definitely need to start taking a bit more care of myself. Life gets so busy sometimes that you forget yourself. I love making lists, so making a to-do list and breaking it down into what is important and what isn’t.
These are some really great ideas! I sometimes forget to practice self care when I’m stressed but it’s definitely something that I need to work on. When I do practice self care I feel so much better x
Some fab ideas here Kayleigh! How are you finding integrating them into your daily life? Hope you are well.
Emma | http://www.lifeofemmax.co.uk
These are great habits! I love the “what I’ll probably do list.” My to-do lists are always completely out of control. This is a perfect way for me to make a more realistic list and feel a sense off accomplishment, rather than just overwhelmed. Thanks for sharing these fabulous ideas!