It’s always hard to lose someone you love. Grief can make even the strongest people struggle with their feelings and wonder how they will ever get over the loss of someone they loved very much.

One thing that can really help us, whether we’re young or old, deal with our grief and remember the good times we had with the person we lost is to find unique ways to honor them after they’ve died.
So, let’s look at some of the best ways to remember and honor people who have died:
A Keepsake
If a person you care about is going to be cremated, you can turn their ashes into a diamond and put it in a piece of jewelry. You can do the same thing with a lock of hair, or you can have a picture of them put in a locket that you will wear close to your heart if you prefer. This is often a good way for kids to remember a loved one because it makes them feel like they always have a piece of that person with them.
Funeral Prayer Cards
Funeral prayer cards are a great way to remember your loved one and keep them with you forever. They can be printed with a picture of your loved one and a poem or Bible verse that was important to them or that reminds you of how they lived their life. This will give you comfort whenever you need to remember who they were and what they stood for. Talk to your Funeral Directors about adding these to the service.
Keep Something They Made For You
If the person you lost was crafty, carrying something they made with you, like a sweater they crocheted you for Christmas or a toy they carved for you when you were young, can be a great comfort. It will not only make you think of the good times you had with them, but it will also be a great way to remember who they were, what they liked to do, and what special skills they had.
Get Something Done For Them
If your loved one died with unfinished business—maybe they started knitting a blanket but never finished it, or maybe they had planned a trip around the world—what better way to honor them than to finish what they started? You will almost certainly feel them with you if you take on the challenge to finish what they started, and you may be able to do this with other friends or family members so you can all support each other.
Talk To Family And Friends
Talking about your loved ones and their lives with other people who know and care about them is a great way to keep them alive in your mind.
By remembering your loved one, you can come to terms with your grief and start to think about the good times you had together and the good things they brought into your life. It won’t fix your grief right away—something that’s you have to sit with for a while—but it will help you get through those hard first days, weeks, and months with a little less pain.
Why not head over to How To Be There For Someone Who Is Grieving and How To Cope With Grieving For Someone Twice
Great ideas, I recently lost my granny so I’ve now got a few of her things dotted around my room. We were the same clothes & shoe size so I was also able to have a few of her things to wear. One of her cardigans still smells of her so I love to hug it when I particularly miss her x