It’s officially the most wonderful time of the year, which also means it can be the most stressful time of the year for many. Although the holiday season can be filled with joy, laughter, and magic, the pressure during this time can ultimately affect our bodies in different ways. As much as this season is about giving and caring for your loved ones, it is also important to remember to take time for yourself to unwind and remain energized throughout the holidays.

When you think about cold weather, what initial thoughts come to mind? If you’re like most, you probably think about the skin changes you experience on account of the lack of Vitamin D and added dryness in the air. And while these concerns are common for many people as the colder months approach, skin changes aren’t the only health issue to be concerned about. Believe it or not, your eye health is another area of wellness that may become impacted due to lower temperatures and humidity levels. During the winter months, our eyes can become more irritated and as a result, this can lead to headaches or even vision impairments. With the days becoming colder and shorter, the weather changes can increase blurriness and double vision at nighttime, especially when driving. That’s why it’s a good idea to keep eye drops on hand throughout this time of year and make sure to take breaks from the cold if you spend a lot of time outdoors. This will help to keep your eyes feeling happy and healthy for all holiday season long.
If you’re someone who regularly wears contacts, you may find it more difficult to wear and work with your contacts throughout the day. This is likely because of the winter weather at play, as the seasonal changes can often dry out your eyes and contact lenses, making them painful to adjust or remove. Finding the right set of contacts is imperative to making sure your eyes remain content and active during your daily activities. With so many new and improved options, it’s easier than ever to find prescription contacts online that will serve to support your eye health and protect your vision during this time. Additionally, when you finally determine a set that’s right for you, remember to use the right tools to upkeep your contacts (i.e, contact solution, protective case if you reuse yours, and more) as this will make it effortless to practice good eye care throughout the holiday season.
Just as it is crucial for us to take mental and physical health breaks, it’s also essential for us to give our eyes a rest when they begin to feel fatigued. The strain on your eyes can make headaches more severe and cause your eyes to be more sensitive overall. As we are exposed to so many kinds of lighting, it is critical to recognize when it starts to become uncomfortable. Common symptoms of tired eyes may include itchiness, redness, twitches, and more. Recognizing these effects and taking a ten-minute break from your digital screen, limiting exposure to frigid temperatures, and getting enough sleep are key to keeping your eyes refreshed throughout this time of year.
With so many special and unique moments happening throughout the holidays, you don’t want to miss a thing! Between spending time with family, making your favorite holiday dishes, and/or watching your favorite movie, you will want to take everything in. Following the proper precautions to ensure that your eyes are prepared for the busy season is essential for both you and your loved ones.
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I wear contacts and glasses, and I need to take better care of my eyes like taking a screen break or even putting on eye drops. Good tip on keeping eye drops near by. I will put one bottle by my desk so I remember. 🙂