Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic and alternative healing technique that helps reach deeper & higher states of consciousness, awareness, and relaxation.
The word hypnosis derives from the Greek word Hypnos – which means sleep. While many people associate hypnosis as a sleep state kind of therapy – one is guided into deep rest, a trance where one can reach the subconscious and rewire the operating system.
Hypnosis assists the shift from external obsession to internal attention.

A hypnotherapy session helps heal and rewire any psychological issues – including phobias, addictions(alcohol, sex, drugs, food, etc.), insecurities, and destructive habits that affect one negatively.
The majority of people’s daily actions, speech, and emotions are often unconscious, habitual reactions. Hypnosis aims to reach the control room(subconscious) and rewire the operating system to function from and move at a higher vibrational frequency – transforming habitual reactions to conscious responses in the daily waking state.
While each hypnotherapy session is unique to each, here is a simple glimpse into what you can expect to happen:
• You are guided into a deep state of relaxation(theta brain wave) where you are made available to suggestions without the monkey-mind interference.
• Once in theta brain wave frequency, you are guided through scenarios, beliefs, and ideas to confront your fears – still in the trance-state.
• You may travel back in time to the first moment you experienced the problem you seek to overcome.
• The hypnotherapist will offer suggestions and coping skills to change the behavioral/emotional patterns and help overcome your issues/ailments.
The way this technically works is by decreasing the brainwave activity – ideally from Beta to Theta frequencies.
The five brainwave frequencies we experience throughout our lives on a daily are:
- Gamma: insight, information intake/processing state
- Beta: wakefulness/focused
- Alpha: relaxation
- Theta: deep rest/REM dream state
- Delta: deep sleep/meditation state
The average human spends most of their day in Beta state with moments in Gamma.
The goal is to reach Alpha and Theta brainwaves, where a detachment from the physical/external/tangible world one experiences daily occurs and where the magic of hypnotherapy takes place.
When one meets an edge in the conscious state, one is most likely ready to explore the very root of an issue that rests in the subconscious – because until then, as Carl Jung says, the unconscious will direct one’s life, and one will continue to call it fate.
Hypnotherapy is one efficient method that will work – to the level that you as an individual can handle and allow.
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Interesting to learn about hypnotherapy. Thanks for this informative post!
Very informative, love your detailing on the subject, definitely more interested in hypnotherapy now! Keep it up!!!
Sounds neat! I have always wanted to try hypnotherapy but haven’t gotten around to it. It sounds peaceful and almost meditative. Thanks for sharing!
Interesting details. It always fascinates me but I would be too nervous to try.