Hey lovelies, February has literally flown by I can’t believe tomorrow is the first day of March. I haven’t done any sort of monthly favourites in a long time so I thought I’d share with you things I’ve loved this month.
1) Riverdale – Riverdale is a Netflix original series and if you haven’t watched it – then you need to. It’s based around a murder in the town and if I say anything else I’ll probably be spoiling it.
2) Plants – Especially cacti.
3) Peppermint tea – I’m a coffee drinker 99% of the time but I do love a minty tea. I’ve been drinking the twinning peppermint tea as it’s the best.
4) Bullet Journaling – I’ve kinda returned to bullet journalling but in its most basic form as I don’t have lots of time to make it pretty!
5) Pokemon Go – Not going to lie I’ve been playing every second I’m awake and I already have 50/80 of the new Pokemon available. I had a couple of days when I didn’t play because of food poisoning but I’m better and ready to catch ’em all.
6) Divergent – I loved the book series when I read them and recently Netflix added the first film Divergent which I hadn’t seen before and honestly it was amazing.
7) The Cure for Wellness – This is a cinema release I’d been waiting for since the advert came out. I love this style of thriller/horror and it didn’t disappoint. It is very fucked up and needed every trigger warning out their but I loved the twists and it was so worth the wait.
8) Painting – I paint almost everyday at uni so it’s easy to forget how amazing it is and how therapeutic it is.
9) Ed Sheeran – Shape of you. I’m not a fan of pop music whatsoever and I’m not really a fan of Ed Sheeran but I really liked this song- it’s catchy and really cute.
10) Rings – I’m a massive horror movie fan and so this was top of my to see at the cinema list. It was amazing and so much better than the second Ring film. I much preferred the darker route that took the character development down to the previous films. Definitely worth a watch if you like horror films.
11) Ember Candle Co – This is one of my favourite candle brands and this month I brought two of their beautiful skull candles to add to my collection ( I have 9 now) and I also won their competition and got a beautiful jewellery stand.
12) Yellow roses – I don’t really tend to buy flowers that aren’t potted but I got given roses three times this month and all of them were yellow and cute.
13) London – I visited London six times this month and every trip was amazing! I mainly visited galleries, went shopping at Oxford Street and met up with friends.
14) The Maze Runner – Another film added to Netflix that I really loved this month, I’ve read the books and I loved the film adaption.
15) Redeemed House of Night – This is the last house of night book and it’s by far my favourite, I love the series they’re my favourite books. Definitely recommend them if you love vampires/magic/romance,
16) Homeware – I’ve brought a ton of homeware this month ready for moving out in July and I’ll be sharing what I’ve brought in a post in March.
Thanks for reading! I’d love to know what you’ve been loving this month.
If you enjoyed this head over to my Series Releases I’m Looking Forward Too In 2018 and January Plans and Goals
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