Hey lovelies, it certainly feels like April flew past so quickly I honestly can not believe that it is May on Monday. So it time to share my monthly favourites.
Leighton Denny Nail Varnish* – For most of my life these next to Barry M have been my favourite nail varnishes so when I was sent some from a PR company it honestly made my life. I went for my favourite colours and got a black and red to add to my collection.
Cruelty Free Makeup – I made the decision to start changing over to cruelty free makeup in April, I’ve been making an active effort to use up the last of makeup that isn’t cruelty free, but a-lot of the brands I use anyway are cruelty free and/or vegan.
The Gym – In April I signed up for the gym and I’ve since been going six times a week, combined with a most plant based diet I’ve almost lost a stone which wasn’t intentional at all. I’ve only been going to tone up and improve my fitness.
Writing – This month I did a lot of writing towards my dissertation, statements, professionalism studies and other bits and bobs and it just made me realise why I loved it so much! I can’t wait to write more blog posts in May.
Caramel Macchiatos – I love coffee more than anything else and this month I’ve really been enjoying caramel macchiatos, I always drink coffee with soy and the soy caramel coffee mix is just perfect!
Bullet Journalling – I’ve really got back into the swing of journalling in the last month, and I find that bullet journalling is a great break from work and it’s productive at the same time.
Homeware – I’m moving out in two months time, so homeware shopping is in full swing! I’m so excited to move and design the rooms, and buy lots of plants too.
Cider – I love cider all year round but particularly during spring/summer! I really love raspberry mango cider and strawberry cider so much.
I’d love to know what things you’ve been loving this month, also if you’ve achieved anything you’re proud of!
If you enjoyed this head over to my Series Releases I’m Looking Forward Too In 2018 and My Experience With Case App + Giveaway
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