Hey lovelies, so today it’s my blog’s two year anniversary and wow well this little blog has now been here two years.
I actually started blogging, three months after I created this blog so technically it’s two years since it’s been created. My two years have honestly taught me so much about myself, and given me a whole new skill set. I’m much better with technical website stuff (sounds very convincing right haha), I’d say my writing and photography have both improved but that’s partially due to university as well. I’ve made money from my blog which wasn’t something that I ever expected to do and not something that I set out to do either. I’ve made some absolutely amazing friends and connected with amazing bloggers that I wouldn’t otherwise know. I’ve worked with amazing brands including CrownBrush and M&S, and many others. Personally, having a blog was always just a way for me to have my own space on the internet away from everyone in my life, that’s why even know apart from a few close friends no one knows about my blog in my life.
I’m hoping to celebrate many more blog anniversaries as I’m enjoying writing more and more, I think I might also try blogging about relationships and art, which will be great to add some variety. I’ve also been able to progress a lot on social medias lately, I finally have a curated Instagram that I love, my Pinterest is art and homeware goals and I’ve also been enjoying Bloglovin for finding new content to read. If you want to follow me on any of these social medias you’ll find them on the main page of my blog *shameless self advertisement haha*
I’m not making any blog anniversary goals because I do that with my yearly goals – and I’m very happy to say that even though it’s only July I’ve almost smashed my yearly goals.
So yeah, really thank you to everyone who reads my blog, and all the lovely people that follow me, blogging is made so much better for me because of the amazing friends and followers I have. Only a small post but I like to celebrate anniversaries.
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