Hey lovelies, new year new post? Sorry the cliche was just too strong I had to say it. I’m very excited about 2019 because I’ve decided to dedicate it to being the best possible version of myself that I can be and working on all the things that I want. I’m going to break this down into categories so y’all can see what I want to get up to.
- Blog regularly – 2018 was a write off. Excuse the pun but I really only managed 10 posts all year and that makes me so sad if I’m honest. I love writing and sharing my words online, and I can’t wait to do that more often.
- More fashion posts – since style and fashion has become a big part of my life I feel like fashion posts might make more of inclusion within my regular posting pattern. I also feel like I’m at a place with my confidence where I’d be comfortable posting photos of myself.
- Make it to more events – I’m not going to lie I’m at a point now where I avoid events, if I’m invited I say no because meeting new people honestly is not something I’m great with but in 2019 I want to combat that again.
Personal Life
- Sort out my eating habits – Now I’m bloody awful at eating three meals a day. I skip meals, binge, forget to eat somedays, I have such a busy lifestyle that I don’t always eat the best or look after myself and I really want to actively try harder on this one.
- Save money – I’m 23 and I’m awful with money. I would like to have more savings and I would like to be able to get paid and not spend all my money within three days. 2019 might be the year I look for a new job too, so we will have to see what the future holds.
- Continue to work on confidence – I would love to wake up one day and be 100% confident with my self image. I would love to feel the way and so I’m going to try my best to keep a positive mind frame on it and try to get where I want to be.
- Try to be more organised – I’ve always had myself down as some who has their shit together and in the last year I’ve really let that slip away if I’m honest. I’m trying my best with small things such as making my bed daily and attempting to schedule blog posts ahead. Hopefully I will be able to get better with organising my paintings and with my job.
- Exhibit in new places – I’d love to exhibit works in some new towns and new galleries, having been in northampton for a few years I have exhibited in most of the available spaces and it would be so nice to exhibit in new places. If anyone knows of any galleries looking for works let me know haha.
- Be more confident with my work – I think it’s an arty thing but I still get really weird about showing people my work and I’d love to be more confident on it. I think that it is just an all round trait I need to work on.
- Grow my art Instagram – I’d love to reach 1,000 followers in the new year. I post everyday because I love sharing my paintings and prints so it would be great to reach it. The link is https://www.instagram.com/kayleighzaraart____/ if anyone wants to have a peak.
- Set up an art store – I’d love to be selling prints again, I’ve got so many now and they just sit in a draw or get hung in my studio and I’ve run out of places for them. Would be great to be able to save some money from them too!
I’d love to know what your plans and goals are for the new year! I’m really hoping to make 2019 my year and work really hard.
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