Guest post | Today I have guest post from the lovely Ruth from Ruthiee loves Glamour. Ruth is a student blogger who loves to inspire people to be the best version of themselves. She runs a blog about personal development, self care, self love, positivity, personal growth and all things lifestyle. Ruthiee loves Glamour is a space for everyone to learn, develop themselves, interact and navigate their way through life.
Affirmations are amazing aren’t they? I love affirmations a lot. I use them in my everyday life, and they have really turned my life around. Now I’m not gonna portray affirmations in a way that makes it seem like when you start saying affirmations today, you start seeing results tomorrow. NO! Even though affirmations work and are powerful, it is a process and so you don’t need to get worked up if you don’t see results immediately.
The mind is a powerful place and what you feed it can affect you in a powerful way. If you look at your face everyday when you wake up and think you’ll never be great, you’ll never be great not because you weren’t destined to be great but because more often than not, how life plays out for us is a manifestation of our thoughts and beliefs but affirmations help reprogram our mind into seeing things in a more positive light..

Affirmations strengthen us, give us confidence in ourselves, make us realise that we deserve happiness and it helps us believe in our potential and capabilities. When you say positive affirmations to yourself, you build yourself, strengthen your mind and end up making yourself into the person you want to be. More importantly, affirmations are a very important part of self love. I am an advocate for self love, many of us are advocates for self love too but being an advocate for self love doesn’t change anything except you practice what you preach. Positive affirmations are very very powerful and they could transform your life for the better.
Believe it or not, the negative thoughts will always come but your attitude towards them will determine whether they will stay or go. If you embrace negative thoughts, they will stay but if you combat them, they will go and one of the most powerful ways to combat negative thoughts is by saying positive affirmations to yourself. So, I made a list of positive affirmations you should say to yourself but just before then, let’s look at some of the benefits of positive affirmations.
1) Positive affirmations help you develop a more positive mindset and approach to life.
2) They help build your confidence in yourself.
3) Practicing positive affirmations will make you feel more happy, and optimistic about the good things life will bring.
4) Affirmations will give you a clear perspective of what you want in life.
5) They help change your negative thoughts into positive ones.
1) I am not a failure.
2) I feel wonderful and alive.
3) My strength is greater than any struggle.
4) I am loved (I deserve love).
5) I am worthy of joy, love, and happiness.
6) I am proud of myself.
7) I am successful in whatever I do.
8) I am attractive, my acne or whatever skin, body or health condition is attractive too.
9) Good flows to me and good flows from me.
10) Everything about me is just perfect.
11) I appreciate myself, my past, present, failures, success and everything about myself.
12) Everything is getting better.
13) I am good enough.
14) In a few years from now, I’ll look back and feel proud of who I was.
15) I have the courage to say “NO”.
16) I can do it.
17) There will always be bad days but I’ll always come out stronger.
18) I am confident, I believe in myself.
19) I am getting closer to my true self everyday.
20) I will never give up. I wasn’t made to give up.
21) I am in control of my thoughts and feelings.
22) My past is not a reflection of my future.
23) I am strong, powerful, resilient and nothing will ever bring me down.
24) I forgive myself for my mistakes.
25) I’ll keep fighting, I know I am not a quitter. Champions don’t quit and I am a champion.
26) I will sail through whatever hurdles life throws at me. I’ll sure as hell make lemonades out of lemons.
27) I know my worth.
28) Today, I choose to have a fantastic day
29) I am fearless.
30) I am at peace with who I am as a person.
31) I accept my past.
32) All is well in my life
33) I am courageous and I’ll stand up for myself.
34) I don’t need someone else to be happy.
35) I am bold, I am beautiful, I am me!
36) I focus on action to create the life I want.
37) I am smart.
38) I deserve to be happy.
39) I am awesome.
40) I am comfortable with my weight and my body.
41) My body is beautiful.
42) Confidence is sexy and I am sexy.
43) Anorexia doesn’t define me. (for those with anorexia)
44) I acknowledge my self worth.
45) I am so much more amazing than I know.
46) It’s okay for people to not like me, not everyone has good tastes/recognized good things.
47) I won’t be bothered by negative vibes.
48) Nobody can take my happiness away.
49) I am blessed beyond measures.
50) I feel joy and contentment in my life.
Choose affirmations that resonates with you
While affirmations are really important, you don’t need every affirmation out there. Choose the ones that solve your problem and the one that resonates with you the most. For example, if you are struggling with self or body image, you can use the affirmation “I am beautiful”, “I am enough”. There are thousands of affirmations out there for different situations but it is best to choose an affirmation that presents solutions, resonates with you and could be of help to you.
Mind you, if you are struggling with your body image, and you use the affirmation “I will be a billionaire someday”, believe me, you sure as hell won’t get yourself to believe that you are just perfect the way you are because you are using an affirmation that is completely out of line. It is important to not just pick any affirmation out there but to pick one that answers to your present situation.
Write them down
The importance of writing stuff down whether it be our goals, feelings or anything at all can never be overemphasised and a good way to incorporate positive affirmations into your life is by writing them down. Write that positive affirmation down and put it in places where you’ll see it frequently, paste it on the wall in your room, write it in that jotter you use very frequently!
Make saying positive affirmations to yourself a thing on your to-do list
We can get very busy and wrapped up in the hustles and bustles of life so much that the last thing we remember to do is say our positive affirmations. When I just started saying positive affirmations to myself, I used to forget all the time. I mean there’s so much on my head – school, blog, just so much. But when I started including “saying my affirmations” in my to-do list, I started saying it more frequently and it quickly became a routine for me.
Be patient
While positive affirmations are effective, they might not be a “get results in 1 day” solution. It may take time ranging from a few days to weeks before you start seeing any result and there might be challenges on the way but be patient, trust in the process, keep saying positive affirmations to yourself and results will come.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Positive affirmations are amazing and they can turn your life around for the better. Do you practice positive affirmations, If you do not already practice positive affirmations, will you give it a try? What are some other benefits of positive affirmations? Let me know!
Thank you so much for this opportunity Kayleigh. I loved writing this post for you.
If you enjoyed this head over to my 8 Great Habits To Start In 2021 ( Life Changing Habits) and 5 Self Love Habits And Practices To Start
Love this post, i’ve even written some of these affirmations down to use in day to day life.
Love this post! Affirmations have helped me so much in learning to speak more positively about myself and to myself! As you said you need to be consistent and patience, but they do work! Thanks for sharing x
To positively self-affirm is definitely refreshing and necessary! Loved reading this and thank you for sharing this, ~I’m in the process of jotting down every quote I find resonating to me in my bullet journal and this post helps.
Absolutely love and massively APPRECIATE this post today! I think it’s so important to write down what you’re greatful for, too!
Oh these affirmations are wonderful Kayleigh! I write a daily affirmation everyday in my planner and I will be using some of these over the next few weeks or so! x
Lucy |
I love positive affirmations! Some of my favorites from this list are good flows to me and good flows from me, I am worthy and I believe in myself 🙂
I started writing down my feelings since lockdown one and it is just soooo important! Loveee these affermations, they are so helpful!
I love affirmations and use them everyday! They are such a powerful tool. Thank you so much for sharing these!
So much love for this post! I’m a huuuuge fan of affirmations, I’ve found them to be so effective xx
Great article on affirmations! And the affirmations themselves!!!!
I thought of making an affirmation journal a while back, and I think I will now for sure. Thank you!
Great post and love these affirmations. I listen to affirmation audio every morning – it’s great x
Love this set of affirmations, I really liked learning about the benefits of them too. I’ve never really got into doing affirmations but this has definitely made me consider it x
loving these affirmations! I need to start using them! I haven’t been really into affirmations lately, I think it is a great way to stay close to yourself