AD Affiliate | Knowing where to find blog resources as a blogger can be really hard. There are so many areas of blogging and social media that you might want to improve, and there are hundreds of blogging resources out there. I’ve done my best to compile a list of SEO Tools, Pinterest Resources, Social Media Tools and more.
There’s a combination of free resources and paid for resources on this list, because sometimes I think it’s worth investing in knowledge to push your website forward. I’ll also be splitting this post into two instalments as 50 was double the size of my home page and over 3,000 words and I don’t want to bore y’all in one sitting.

Pinterest Resources & Tools
1) Big Pin Energy – The Ultimate Guide To Pinterest I’ve mentioned this course plenty of times on my blog because it’s the guide that helped me with my Pinterest journey.I wouldn’t have had a clue what I was doing without it, and now my blog gets large amount of daily traffic from Pinterest. If you do read my Pinterest posts and consider buying this, I recommend getting the combo with the pin templates.
2) Pre-made pin templates – That’s right, templates can actually work just well as your own pin designs. I recently bought a ton of templates and I’ve been bulk creating pins for when I go back to work, I currently have around a months worth of spare pins. If you live a lifestyle where you don’t have much time for pin design I highly recommend using them. Here are a few examples.
20 Click Worthy Canva Pin Templates
20 Customisable Pinterest Templates
3) Master Pinterest Like A Pro – This is a free Pinterest cheat sheet from Boss Babe Chronicles, that I highly recommend.
4) UPDATE APRIL 2021 – Tailwind is no longer an affective platform to use under the 2021 algorithm. Tailwind – I’ve recently re-signed up for a pro plan with tailwind, which has allowed me to start mass saving pins. Why the pro does cost per month or yearly, if you’re wanting to use it to schedule far into the future it can be really helpful. I’m planning on scheduling in advance, and then using Pinterest to upload pins daily. If anyone opts to sign up for a month of Tailwind Pro this is an affiliate link that gets us both a free month.
I do personally prefer just using Pinterest, but tailwind will save me so much time when I’m back at work and won’t have the luxury to manually pin daily.
5) Let’s Talk Pin Design – A post all about pin designs and why you may be seeing a lot of Pinterest impression and no clicks, and talking through any other pin issues you might find.
6) How To Use Pinterest Story Pins – This is a new feature, and this post explains perfectly how to use them and makes it so easy to start posting story pins.
SEO Tools & Resources
SEO is something that I’ve spent a lot of time lately trying to learn. I’m determined to make most of my views organic. Imagine a world were your posts do well that your social views are an added bonus. That is the dream.
7) Keyword Research For Bloggers – This is what I started with for my SEO training, I picked products by Nele because I know she’s super clued up on SEO. The Keyword Research goes over SEO and Keywords, it supplies you with the places to look for keywords (free and paid for resources) and covers everything you need to know. I actually took this method of finding keywords and applied it to my Pinterest captions. It works a treat. I edited a handful of old posts and I’ve already seen some improvement as seen below. I edited a ton more yesterday but obviously it’s too early to see what will happen.
8) SEO For Bloggers – Now this guide does cover keywords but it does not go into depth with keywords as the same as keyword research. I’m mentioning this incase anyone considers picking up both. This covers everything you need to know on-page SEO, using backlinks successfully and to your advantage, SEO tools and more.
9) Off Page SEO – This course of Nele’s saved my life a little as I recently had to disavow some spam links with google. It also helped me find and claim unlinked mentions, and build up my off page optimisation.
10) Yoast SEO – If you’re with WordPress then this is a plug-in that you need.
11) Surfer SEO – This is a really great tool, I’ve personally used it before and if you’re with blogger and can’t use a plug in, you can put your posts into a Surfer SEO page to check the SEO.
Making Money
12) Gonna start by link dropping my Guide For Booking In Sponsored Posts – If you’re interested in making money from sponsored work then please do check out this post.
13) Turning Your Blog Into A Money Making Machine – This course by Emily was another one that has been so helpful for me. Understanding monetising properly and different routes of making money from blogging/being online has paid my rent the past two months. It covers selling you skills, ad money, working with brands and much much more.
15) The First Steps To Affiliate Marketing – I wrote a post about experience with learning affiliate marketing and some things you might want to consider.
Stock Photos
16) Ivory Mix – Just a pointer to say not only do they offer free stock images, but they have a free course library.
17) Unsplash – A super free large stock library.
18) Pexels – This is where I get most of my stock images from, I really like the images uploaded to the site.
19) Pixi Stock – You can sign up for a free bundle of stock images mostly through their newsletter or they offer a paid membership per month/yearly.
Mailing Lists
20) How To Build A Mailing List Quickly And For Free – This is a super helpful blog post that has lots of details if you’re looking to build up a mailing list. I often think some of the best advice on how to do things well comes from other bloggers who have done them successfully.
21) Blog 2 Brands Email Marketing eBook – An absolutely incredible resource for bloggers.
22 ) How to Start An Email List As a New Blogger – If you’re not sure about starting an email list as a new blogger, this is definitely something to read.

Pitching / Working With Brands
23) Getting Your First Collab As a Blogger: 8 Things You Should Do – Jenny has a ton of blogging tips on her blog, but this post is particularly great for those who are new to blogging and looking to work with brands.
24) How To Pitch To Brands – Grace F Victory – I’ve mentioned this post before but it honestly so helpful for pitching to brands.
25) 7 Things You Need To Include In Your Next Brand Email Pitch – The title of this blog post sums it up perfectly, it is a really good read for those still getting their footing with pitching themselves.
Media Kits
26) 20 Media Kit Templates For Bloggers – If you’re looking for template for your media kit, then look no further, you can find 20 here.
27) Professional Media Kit Template – I found this on Etsy a while back and purchased it for myself, it’s not the design I currently use but it worked a treat.
28) The Ultimate Guide To Creating A Blogger Media Kit – Reading this was also very to me, and making the decision to create a media kit. It’s got so much information, and it’s so well written.
29) How I Improved My Instagram In Six Months – We can all agree that Sarah’s photography is goals and her instagram account is the most beautiful thing, so her improvement post was really interesting to read and something I think you will all enjoy.
30) Hashtags For Instagram: A Complete Guide – I recently purchased this for my art instagram and it’s very handy, it covers everything hashtag and mentions other useful resources. For £6 it is also so inexpensive and great read.
Content Ideas & Growing Your Following
31) 30 Days Of Content Ideas – This is a really great content planner and has some really good ideas for content that you could post on multiple social media channels.
32) 50 Engaging Blog Post Ideas – If you’re looking for some blog content ideas, then I’ve got you covered with this blog post.
33) 50 Blog Post Ideas – For when your content ideas run thin.
34) 17 No-Fail Ways to Attract Loyal Readers to Your Blog – I personally really enjoyed this post as it had many new ways to attract readers that I hadn’t personally thought of.
35) A Beginners Guide To Growing Your Blog Following (AF) – This guide by Jenny is worth every penny and is so inexpensive at £5.99. The book has 44 pages and covers many topics from how to attract new blog followers, to how to analyse your stats and much more.
Now that we’ve finished this monster of a post, if you enjoyed please give it a share on twitter, or Pinterest, and if you made this far down well done. I’d also love to know in the comments any resources you’ve disliked using, or had a bad experience with.
If you enjoyed this post check out my 30 Email Opt-In Incentives To Grow A Mailing List In 2021 and 5 Ways To Make Money Blogging With Less Than 10,000 Pageviews
Instagram hashtags kind of elude me! Most of the lists I come across are more for lifestyle or motherhood or food bloggers. I might have to look into this list and see if it includes something for my niche. Great resources in here!
I am so saving this post!
What amazing tips and you’ve covered everything that a blogger needs!
Thank you so much for sharing this, it’s so helpful!! ☺️
This is so helpful,you are really amazing🥰🥰🥰🥰 Thanks
These are all such helpful blogger resources! I definitely need to do more research about SEO – it would be great if my blog could get more views from search engines!
Thanks for sharing these resources, this is a great masterlist of everything you need to become a successful blogger. I’m currently researching into SEO so I’ll be checking out the resources you’ve listed here x
Roni |
This is so handy! I’m always on the lookout for new resources to help me up my blogging game and this post will definitely help me! Great tips x
Thanks for sharing this information. You’ve made some excellent suggestions.
Thank you so much for sharing these resources. I will absolutely be checking some of them out.
Thank you for sharing these! There are so many resources here that I didn’t know existed but I’m going to be looking into and using these to further help with blog promotion, blog traffic etc.
Some incredible resources here Kayleigh! This post is definitely getting bookmarked for me to look back on! x
Lucy |
Thanks for the tips Kayleigh! I’m looking to grow my email list and will definitely incorporate your tips.
Great list that I’ll probably be visiting a few times. I’m taking my blogging more seriously and it’s been a little overwhelming. I’ve started rewriting a few posts that I transferred to my new site with Yoast SEO as a guide, and it does make a difference.
I so wished I could have mastered Pinterest – for some reason I just couldn’t get it to work well for me
These are all such great resources. I will definitely be using a few of these in the near future! I love learning ways to monetize my blog. Thank you for sharing this!
Oh this is brilliant! Have bookmarked because I definitely need to come back to this – helps me get my butt in gear! Xx
Thanks for sharing all of these helpful tips and resources, this is the perfect read for new bloggers finding their way like we are!
Great list of resources here! I knew of many of them and used some myself. Might have to pick up the story pins guide as I’ve not really utilised those yet!
Great post! Thank you for sharing! I need to work on SEO so this is very useful!
These are so helpful, thank you!! Now adding to boomarks!! x
Lovely post ♥
what makes you beautiful
Great post with tons of tips and resources!
This is so helpful! I am always looking for ways to improve and up my blogging game so having all these resources in one place is super handy. I already have a few of these guides but I’ll definitely be checking out a few others!
Wow, this is SO helpful! I’ll definitely keep coming back to this post whenever I’m stuck, thank you for sharing!
Take care,
Sophie |
That was really an informative and helpful blog.
As a marketing professional, your advise is spot on! Thank you!
I can’t imagine how much time it took to compile this! But I’m super thankful, half of this stuff I wasn’t even aware of. Definitely saving this for later!
I’m honoured to even be on this list with all these wonderful people 🌟
Thanks for sharing this fab, super helpful post! Always a pleasure to read your posts lovely!
Stay wonderful!
Louna | Burstsofautumn
Thank you, you made research a lot easier.
Wow, this is absolutely jam-packed with insightful information! I think I need to focus more on Pinterest as I tend to overlook it, so I think this post has given me a great place to start. Thank you for sharing!
Paris |
Loved this post!
Thank you for sharing all these amazing resources that you used xx
Definitely need to save this post! Some great tips and resources here xx
Hi Kayleigh! This is an amazing resource-rich post, thank you for putting this together. I’ve been studying most of it 🙂
You should consider adding a “pin it” button to your blog posts. I’m saving these to come back to it on Pinterest!! <3
Thank you so much for this post, Kayleigh! It’s so helpful and easy to concentrate on what you need first with plenty of resources! Saved to re read later x