Blogging can be really tough to keep up with at the best of times. No matter how many hours there are in the day, it can be hard to all the tasks a blog needs to be maintained. This can be even harder when you have a full time job and are trying to maintain a blog. During my time at university I had two jobs to pay off my debt, and still managed to post 2-5 times every week. This was my personal experience with blogging and maintaining a full time job.
If you’re looking to set up affiliate links for your blog, The 10 Best Affiliate Marketing Platforms For Beginners is a great way to start monetising your blog around a full time job.

If You Don’t Post Don’t Feel Guilty
Sometimes you’re going to want to post and time won’t be there, or you’ll be tired and you’ll want to spend your time off with your family or with your partner. That’s completely okay, and there’s no need to feel any form of guilt if you don’t post or can’t, if you have a schedule and you don’t follow it, it is really not the end of the world. If blogging is a hobby for you, it can wait, your life, enjoyment, wellbeing comes first!
It’s important to have healthy habits and sometimes that means saying no. 8 Great Habits To Start In 2021 ( Life Changing Habits) is a great way to learn healthy habits.
Plan Your Posts
Having some form of idea of what you’re going to post will enable you to be able to plan what you’re wanting to write. Meaning that when you sit down to write the process maybe a little bit quicker for you and you’ll be able to get straight down to your posts. I use scheduling plan where I write what the post for said day will be and leave a gap in my schedule every week or other week for spontaneous/ guest or sponsored posts. It’s loose enough that I am able to keep up to a schedule where if I don’t post that it okay, and if I do that’s even better.
Write When You Have Time
I am not joking when I say most of my posts are written are 2-4am when I get home from work, or at 6-8am if I can’t sleep. Even if it’s just a free half an hour and you want to do some writing, go for it. The point is, it doesn’t matter what hour of the day it is, if you want to write do it!
You’re not always going to have free time, and sometimes you might want to use your free time do other things and that’s cool.
Take Photos In Bulk Or Use Stock Photos
Especially in the autumn months light during the day starts to be less and less with the change of the season. When you are able to take photography do them in bulk, and this will be so much easier if you have an idea of what you’re posting and if you don’t then take images which are potentially things that you could use for a number of posts. If that fails completely there are lots of options for good stock images that are free for blog usage. I often go to Moyo Stock because there are so many good images to use.
If you need some stock photos refer to The Best 14 Stock Libraries For Bloggers!
Social Media Scheduling
To keep my blog views pretty active in the week, as mentioned in this post about Realistically Boosting Your Blog Views I schedule my tweets every night when I get into bed with Buffer. I have the free version of the app and it works wonders for me, ten tweets literally covers and entire day for me and takes less than ten minutes when I’m in bed.
I’d love to know if you work full time and blog and how you keep up with it, even if you don’t have a full time job I’d love to know how you keep up with your job, let me know in the comments!
For more blog advice read 6 Big Reasons Affiliate Marketing Isn’t Working For You and 8 Beautiful WordPress Blog Themes You Need To Check Out
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