Hey lovelies, I’m not going to lie June was the wankiest of months for me to be frank. Everything sucked majorly and I was left contemplating how my life had got into sucky place and why I’m alone crying in my free time binge watching Netflix, so I thought I’d share some things that were kinda cool.

Netflix – Honesly I didn’t watch very much Netflix in the month but Dark Season Two was released right at the end of the month. I recommend it to anyone that hasn’t seen it as it is honestly such an amazing little show. It is subtitled as the show itself is in German and I just love everything about it. Some other little great watches include Exhibit A and The Casketeers.
My studio – I absolutely adore my studio anyway but you don’t know how amazing it is to have your own little space to go to when you’re feeling down. I”m a firm believer of not sitting in my bedroom and crying when I’m upset. So getting up and going somewhere else and doing a little bit of painting or writing is just so helpful to me, especially when I’m down. I also spent a lot of the month sprucing it up and making it into a little space that I am almost really happy with.
Friends – I have a rocky relationship with some of my closest friends right now, and throughout the month they did their best to be there for me considering that we’re not necessarily on the best of terms, and I appreciate that so much. Even if it is just a cheeky pint at the pub after work on a Sunday, its honestly been so great to see them and spend time with them, and who doesn’t love a Sunday pint.
Reading – I love a book. I honestly have a borderline problem for buying books on Amazon sometimes. I’ll literally log into the amazon app and order a handful of books every few days. This month I’ve been determined to finish my Whitechapel Documents of Contemporary Art collection (this will sound so lame to non art people but they are amazing books). I’ve also been trying to fit in some more personal reading too.
Saving – Also a bit weird but I’ve working so hard to save money. To not spend money when I don’t need too (except the odd treat throughout the month) and last month I paid off absolutely everything I needed too, and still managed to save some money. I also sold a few bits on Depop which was great. I know its such a silly thing to be happy about but I’m god awful at not spending money.
I’d love to know what things you loved last month, and any goals you have for this month. Let me know in the comments!
If you enjoyed this read my Good Things In 2019 and Things I’ve Enjoyed This Summer
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