There may come a time when you are asked to be a witness in a court trial. It could be during a tricky divorce case, for example, or in an employment dispute. Perhaps it was after a road traffic accident and truck accident lawyers you can trust need you to testify. Whatever the reason, it could well be a nervous time for you – a lot could be riding on what you say, and you might be feeling anxious. We’ve got some useful advice about how to be the best witness you can be, should you need to.

Dress Well
Even though you’re not the one on trial, dressing to impress is a good idea whenever you go to court, in any capacity. You don’t have to go out and buy a new suit if you don’t want to, but make sure you are neat and tidy, that you have taken time over your appearance. Iron your blouse or shirt, shine your shoes, make sure your time is knotted correctly, brush your hair. Dress as though you were going to an important job interview, and this should give you a good idea of what to wear.
When you’re not on the stand, make sure you listen to what is going on around you. You may be asked a question about something that was said, perhaps something that an important expert witness has outlined. Stay alert and keep in mind that you are there to do a job.
Stick To The Truth
The truth is the simplest thing to remember. So, if you know that telling the truth would weaken your case, notify your lawyer. An intelligent witness is still no match for a good lawyer since you lose all perspective once you’re in the witness box. You can’t tell whether you’re performing well or poorly; if you seem convincing or foolish.
The best witnesses are those who are truthful, giving an honest account about what they saw, heard, said, did, and what occurred, and leaving it up to the court or jury to determine who is right and who is wrong.
Witnesses who attempt to deceive or outwit the cross-examining lawyer get entangled and lose all credibility.
Answer The Question
Although it may seem obvious, the key to being a successful witness is to actually answer the question. Pay attention to the question being asked and respond only to that question. Be exact and concise. Don’t go into too much detail, and don’t be evasive. Avoid fighting with the lawyer and don’t answer a question with a question. Don’t offer information that you haven’t been asked for, and don’t withhold information that you know is the correct response to a question. Give the answer if you know it. Say so if you don’t know or don’t recall.
Being genuine carries significantly more weight than being completely consistent because when it comes to determining who to trust, judges and juries will favor the witness who was attempting to be honest over the person who was trying to be the smartest.
Don’t Learn By Rote
It may be tempting to prepare absolutely everything in advance and learn it all by rote so that you can simply say it all in one go. However, that’s not how the courtroom works, and a speech isn’t what you are being asked to give. If you do need to say your entire witness statement out loud, you will be able to read it. Since you don’t know what questions you will be asked, it’s best not to prepare any answer as you might answer incorrectly that way. Don’t volunteer information either – wait to be asked.
Be Serious
For some people, laughing when they are nervous is a natural reaction. If this is the case for you, focus on being as serious as possible. If you do feel as though you need to laugh, have a drink of water until you relax. If you are a jokey, funny kind of person, then again, try not to make jokes within the courtroom. Be as serious as you can because the outcome of the court case will have major ramifications for someone.
Be Polite
Even if the person asking you questions is not being pleasant to you, be polite back to them. Getting angry will not help anyone, and could cause the judge to ask you to leave, which could then be a problem for the person whose witness you are. Bite your tongue if you have to, and remember that the lawyers are only doing their job; it’s nothing personal.
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